jeudi 7 août 2014

La logique terroriste #GazaUnderAttack ?

Le Hamas est un mouvement terroriste.
Expliquer qu'il a une "base populaire" et qu'un scrutin lui a confié légalement le pouvoir est exact, mais le nimber de nationalisme et l'oindre de démocratie, c'est ruser avec le vrai: il n'y a pas de terrorisme légitime. Affirmer que la chute du Hamas laisserait la place à des mouvements plus intégristes encore, et qu'il vaut mieux traiter avec celui-ci qu'affronter ceux-là, c'est raisonner comme un poltron. Au grand jeu de la reculade et du marchandage, l'Occident a perdu trop gros. En matière d'islamisme, si elles acceptent le choléra pour éviter la peste, les démocraties mourront du choléra, tout simplement.

Le a entraîné dans une véritable guerre suicide contre et parle quand même de "victoire". La logique terroriste.

Que fait le avec tout les millions donné à ?

ManifGaza Priorité du Hamas et des Palestiniens 

Latest on the human cost of the conflict

Countless times during the operation, Hamas urged civilians to stand on rooftops & serve as human shields


corresp. change sa version pour cacher la culpabilité du

Lire aussi: 
Egyptian TV Hosts Slam Hamas Leaders: We Are Sick and Tired of You

Poète ou troubadour ?

Pourquoi les Etats-Unis soutiennent-ils Israël ? Les raisons du sionisme chrétien. août 3, 2014
Vendredi en fin de journée le Congrès américain est entré en période de vacances pour trois semaines. Mais avant le congé annuel d’été ses membres ont voté en dernière minute l’allocation de 225 millions de dollars à Israël et ce afin de financer le coûteux programme de défense anti-missiles aérien Iron Dome. La mesure, demandée par le Pentagon, a reçu le soutien quasi unanime des deux Chambres. Les cent sénateurs ont voté comme un seul homme en sa faveur. Quant aux représentants, seuls huit (sur 435 votants effectifs) se sont prononcés contre. Si le soutien américain sans faille à Israël est bien connu et n’étonne plus personne. Peu de gens en revanche savent réellement pourquoi il en est ainsi. Quelques explications sont donc nécessaires.

Leader in murder of Israeli teens arrested

Hossam Kawasmeh, a resident of Hebron, was arrested three weeks ago under suspicion of murder and kidnapping of three Israeli teens, Gil-Ad Shaer, Naftali Frenkel, and Eyal Yifrach. The arrest was cleared for publication on Tuesday night. Kawasmeh attempted to flee to Jordan with fake identification once the bodies of the teens were found. During interrogation, Kawasmeh admitted that he had acted as the leader of the murder in which Marwan Kawasmeh and Amar Abu-Eisha are also suspects. Hossam said that he obtained funding for the attack from Hamas operatives in the Gaza Strip.

Exclusive: Hamas rocket launch pad revealed near Gaza homes Video by Gallagher FENWICK
Latest update : 2014-08-05
FRANCE 24 has exclusive footage of a Hamas rocket launching pad that appears to prove the militant group has been firing from areas heavily populated with civilians. Correspondent Gallagher Fenwick says the site, in Gaza City, is some 50 metres from a hotel where the majority of international media is staying, and just 100 metres from a UN building.
"This type of setup is at the heart of the debate," says Gallagher. "The Israeli army has repeatedly accused the Palestinian militants of shooting from within densely populated civilian areas and that is precisely the type of setup we have here.”
The launching pad is also where the FRANCE 24 team had a close call last week. During a live cross to the Paris studio, a rocket was fired overhead, forcing Gallagher and his crew to take cover.

The situation in Gaza explained with a map

The situation in Gaza explained with a map par lemondefr

In 2011, Taha himself paid $700,000 for a luxury three-floor villa in the central Gaza Strip; a year ago, he was charged with being an agent for Egypt.
This February, AP reported that Taha was arrested by Hamas over suspected financial misdealings.

Ahmed Bahar, the deputy speaker of the legislative council, said at the time that Taha, who also serves as a spokesman, was arrested in the Gaza Strip. A separate Hamas official said Taha was arrested over "financial issues" but did not elaborate. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the arrest with the media. It was not clear when Taha was arrested.

Palestinian official: Hamas executed former leader for spying for Egypt
Former Hamas strong man found dead under Gaza rubble, Palestinian official: He was killed for collaborating with Egypt.
Elior Levy
Published: 08.07.14, 22:19 / Israel News

Though the area was hit hard during Israel's Gaza operation, Palestinian sources reported Thursday that Taha had not been killed as a result of an IDF attack, but was rather executed by Hamas after being accused of spying for Egypt.

Ayman Taha

Ayman Taha

Al Quds news reports that he was executed by Hamas via firing squad for collaboration with Israel, however other Palestinian media said it was his ties with Egypt that led to the execution.
Palestinian officials who spoke to Ynet said his death could have a negative influence on ceasefire talks currently being held in Egypt in a bid to extent the current ceasefire in fighting beyond its 8am Friday deadline.
Taha has held a number of roles in the organization, some of which have landed him in trouble. In a recent feature on Hamas' funds, Ynet recalled that Taha conducted financial deals on behalf of Hamas officials, who ensured that they received their dividends in cash.

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