dimanche 10 août 2014

Mudar Zahran: Hamas is killing my people

Alors que les discussions menées au Caire entre Israéliens et Palestiniens tournaient en eau de boudin, samedi soir, Fawzi Barhoum, un porte-parole du Hamas à Gaza déclarait:
 "Il n'y aura pas de retour en arrière. La résistance va se poursuivre de toutes ses forces"
FranceInfo explique:
le Hamas ne veut pas accepter de prolongation du cessez-le-feu sans garantie sur la levée du blocus dans la bande Gaza par Israël. Car, l'organisation islamiste risquerait de perdre le soutien de la population gazaouie si elles rentraient sans ces garanties.
Un autre porte-parole du Hamas a expliqué sur I-télé que les les Palestiniens devaient être patients et continuer à combattre, jusqu'à ce qu'ils obtiennent leur "liberté" :
Vous pouvez demander a n'importe qui ici à Gaza, les gens vous diront que oui, on souffre, on a beaucoup de problèmes, on ne vit pas en fait ! Pas seulement a cause de cette guerre mais ça fait 80 ans qu'on n'a pas de vie, on meurt a petit feu a cause de ce siège, mais cette fois les Palestiniens pensent qu'il est temps d'obtenir notre liberté, et personne ne peut nous dire d'arrêter de réclamer notre liberté. On doit avoir de la patience, parce qu'on n'a rien a perdre, on arrivera a nos fins et on obtiendra notre liberté

D'autres commentaires et vues palestiniennes sur le sujet ...

Also read:
Caution needed with Gaza casualty figures

War zones are not easy places to collect statistics. In the Gaza conflict, most news organisations have been quoting from the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), which leads a group of humanitarian organisations known as the Protection Cluster. Its recent report said that as of 6 August, 1,843 Palestinians had been killed and 66 Israelis and one Thai national since Israel launched Operation Protective Edge on 8 July. Of those Palestinians, the status of 279 could not be identified, at least 1,354 were civilians, including 415 children and 214 women, the UN body reported. So there were 216 members of armed groups killed, and another 725 men who were civilians. Among civilians, more than three times as many men were killed as women, while three times as many civilian men were killed as fighters. 
Hamas needs the Palestinians' deaths in order to claim victory

For more than 26 years, I have dedicated my life to defending human rights. I have seen wars, terror, and abuse. Yet this past month – from the kidnapping and murder of three Jewish boys, throw the kidnapping and murder of Mohammed abu Khdeir, and to the war in Gaza – has been the most politically and emotionally difficult month of my life.
I live in East Jerusalem and I have witnessed the devastation of life in my city. Once again, Route 1 has become the dividing line between East and West. Jews and Arabs are afraid of each other's shadows. Palestinian resident of Jerusalem have attacked the civilian infrastructure in Beit Hanina and Shoafat, causing massive damage to traffic lights, the light rail, and power supplies. I cannot accept this as civil protest – rather, it is pure revenge and retribution. And the co-existence for which I have struggled for my entire life – has been hanged and executed in the public square.
I am in pain.
There can be no doubt that the death and destruction in Gaza is a tsunami. Both peoples are hurting, but each side denies the other's pain, and so the hurt is worse.
And yet, as a Palestinian, I must acknowledge: I am responsible for some of what has happened. As a Palestinian, I cannot deny my responsibility for the death of my own people.
The majority of Palestinians has opposed firing rockets into Israel. The Palestinians have understood that these rockets will achieve nothing. Palestinians have called on Hamas to stop firing on Israel and to try to negotiate with the Israeli occupation. But Hamas has never considered Palestinian needs – only its own political interests. And so they have continued to fire rockets at Israel, knowing full-well what the result would be: Hamas paved the road for the death of our people. We knew that Hamas was digging the tunnels that would lead to our destruction.

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